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The Seal of Biliteracy in CT

What is the seal?

The Seal of Biliteracy is a seal that would be placed on the high school diplomas of graduates who have demonstrated proficiency in English and at least one other language. It highlights second language ability as a key 21st Century Skill in college, career, and life. (Read more about it here: AND here:

What can you do?

• If your local Senator or Representative is on the Education Committee and you could get an email to them today, that would be great. Here are the names of the Ed Committee members (click on the word "Committee membership" and then click on names to see their emails):

• You may also still submit "public testimony" directly to the Committee that will become part of public record. If you would like to do that, you email and reference the Bill number (No. 175).

• Or, the Connecticut Council of Language Teachers made a "CAP WIZ" in which you just put in your zip code and it quickly generates an email to the appropriate person for you. That is here:

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