Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are students in classes with other students from the wider Wilbur Cross Community?
For certain elective courses, yes, but the majority of classes will be taken with teachers in the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences.
2. Is the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences only for students who are newly arriving to this country and newly learning English?
No. The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences is for all students. The main difference is that our courses are interdisciplinary and project-based. The student body at Wilbur Cross has always been a diverse, international school community. Students in IADAS reflect that same diversity with students from over 20 different countries across 5 continents.
3. My child is an honors student. Can he/she take classes for honors credit at the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences?
Yes. All students can earn honors quality points for classes where they complete the terms of an Honors Contract for that course.
4. What is an Honors Contract?
With an Honors Contract, students can take courses for honors credit in academically mixed ability classes. There are many examples of Honors Contracts and Honors Contract projects. Students who complete Honors Contracts are usually high achieving, highly motivated students who enjoy deep learning either independently or in small groups. Honors Contracts are completed with help from teachers, but are mostly student directed and driven by student interest.
5. Can my child play sports and join clubs at Wilbur Cross?
Yes. All clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities are open to International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences students.
6. Does the IADAS school day run the same times as Wilbur Cross?
Yes. The school day runs from 7:30am - 2:00pm except for Wednesday. All students will be dismissed on Wednesday at 12:30pm so that teachers can meet in professional learning communities.
7. Can my child be in the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences and still participate in programs at the Educational Center for the Arts (ECA)?
Yes. All IADAS students who participate in ECA are bused downtown every day along with other Cross students who participate.
8. Can I attend the International Academy if I am an out of district student?
All out of district students (students living outside the Wilbur Cross zone) must fill out a form for an out of district request at 54 Meadow Street. The directors make final decisions about out of district requests.
9. What is a Student Led Conference?
It is a meeting that is scheduled during the middle of the first three marking periods where your child presents his/her academic progress and reviews, with family members, student work. It is a time where a plan is made to ensure that students are receiving all the supports needed for academic success or a time where students can review with teachers, some strategies for individual challenge.
10. Why are 9th and 10th graders in the same classes?
Students who are newly entering the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, as 9th graders, will be in classes with 10th graders in order to support the transition to interdisciplinary project-based learning. This strategy allows 10th graders, who have become accustomed to collaborative group work and student-centered learning, to support incoming 9th graders with their transition to 9th grade.
11. What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative Justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by certain behaviors. It is accomplished through a collaborative process that includes all stakeholders. Stakeholders come together in a small group to talk, ask questions, and air grievances.
12. What is an upstander?
An upstander is someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right. When we stand up for what is right, and do our best to help support and protect someone who is being hurt, we are being socially responsible.
13. What is community-minded decision making?
It is a decision making strategy where students consider how their decisions will impact themselves as well as the entire community.
14. What are habits of mind?
Habits of Mind are skills, attitudes, cues, past experiences, and patterns of intellectual behavior. There are 16
habits of mind that have been captured in a book called Leading and Learning with Habits of Mind, edited by
Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick. Habits of Mind are explicitly taught in classes and through advisory because
we think they are critical to student success in school and life.
These habits include:
1) Persisting
2) Managing Impulsivity
3) Listening with Understanding and Empathy
4) Thinking Flexibly
5) Thinking About Thinking (Metacognition)
6) Striving for Accuracy
7) Questioning and Posing Problems
8) Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
9) Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
10) Gathering Data Through All Senses
11) Creating, Imagining, Innovating
12) Responding with Wonderment and Awe
13) Taking Responsible Risks
14) Finding Humor
15) Thinking Interdependently
16) Remaining Open to Continuous Learning
15. Is the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences affiliated with any educational or community partners?
Internationals Network for Public Schools - Providing quality education for recently arrived immigrants by growing and sustaining a strong national network of innovative, International High Schools.
Ed Connections Center for 21st Century Skills - Providing original curricula, training, and support for innovative courses in science, technology, and math.
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services - Helping refugees and other displaced people establish new lives, regain hope, and contribute to the vitality of Connecticut’s communities.
Foundation for the Arts and Trauma - Trauma informed brief on-site counseling and drama therapy services.