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Traveling Stories

As part of the start of the new unit for Spanish for Native Speakers, we had the pleasure of having Guadalupe Ramos, author of the books "Historias para contar de este lado del río" ("Stories to tell from this side of the river"). These books are a collection of stories of the many Latinos that leave behind their countries in search for a better life, the American dream. Guadalupe Ramos celebrates their lives and glories, that despite the difficulties they were able to succeed, leaving a clear message to our students that with dedication and hard work any dream can come true. Guadalupe urged students to follow their dreams, to never give up, and to never forget their heritage.

About 80 native Spanish-speaking students from the classes of Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Perez gathered in the school cafeteria to listen to some of the stories from the books, share their own traveling stories, and ask questions. Guadalupe asked the students to write their stories and summit them to her. She promised them that one of their stories will be published in the newspaper.

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